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Do You Want to Avoid Heart Attack? Know These Signs If You Have Clogged Arteries

Approximately seven hundred thousand people succumb to heart inside the United States yearly. Its usual cause is clogged arteries. It‘s closely associated to our lifestyle and diet.

We‘ve listed down four signs if you should have a possible heart attack. Check yourself now.

1. Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction among men could be a sign of erectile dysfunction. The reason being there can be clogged arteries with your pelvis area. There is an average of 3-5 years between a man’s erectile dysfunction and an onset of the coronary artery disease.

2. Baldness
Baldness could be hereditary but did you know that this can be also a sign in an impending heart attack? Consistent with studies, baldness is really a sign of clogged arteries. Inside a study among thirty seven thousand men, baldness is really a sign of silent coronary artery disease altogether ages.

3. Ear crease
We‘re usually irritated if we perceive that there will be crease in your ear. We should be cautious for this because it appears it‘s a symptom of clogged arteries too. Depending on research, it occurs because of poor circulation inside the arteries.

4. Pain in the calf while walking
If we feel pain in your calf area while walking, this can be a supply of concern. Atherosclerosis is really a condition where our leg arteries are clogged. This is also a symptom of coronary artery disease and it‘s usual to smokers. If you think this symptom, you need to consult to some specialist immediately.

Doing some regular physical activity and eating healthy food will prevent this issue.

We‘ve listed natural remedies for clogged arteries that could prevent you for owning a heart attack.

Prevention is better than cure.

The generation of today are the most prone to get a heart attack because of their lifestyle of clubbing, drinking liquors and eating unhealthy foods.

Thus, We‘ve listed to prevent this issue and avoid you from owning a dreadful heart attack.

The easiest way to avoid clogged arteries is to consume healthy, plant-based diet and avoiding animal products. We also got to engage to physical activities to ensure that our arteries are relieved. You also have to talk to your doctor regularly.

Nevertheless, We‘ve listed some natural remedies for clogged arteries.

B Vitamins – B Vitamins can reduce arterial thickness. This is just like the a result of niacin or folic acid. It‘s better to obtain these vitamins from natural source instead of on synthetic supplements.

Garlic – Consuming this powerful vegetable will decrease the plaque build-up in your arteries. Garlic can also help in preventing different serious diseases.

Pomegranate – This amazing citric fruit also works well for reducing those plaques accumulation on our arteries and it also even have many Vitamin C !

Fermented cabbage - This is also popularly referred to as Kimchi to Koreans. Kimchi is composed of fermented cabbage, hot peppers and fermented fish which will easily remove toxins from the body and reduce damages on us.

L-Arginine – This amino acid prevents arterial thickening. Providing our body using this amino acid will prevent us from having cardiovascular diseases.

Turmeric – Another powerful root crop is turmeric. It active compound curcumin helps our heart. It is also beneficial to our whole circulatory system and helping on preventing us of having heart attack.

Sesame Seeds – This is among the most common foods which are very beneficial to us. They offer powerful protection against illnesses on our cardiovascular organs. Additionally avoids us from having atherosclerosis.

We hope we helped you using this simple list !

source: http://www.sizzlingfeed.com/2016/07/do-you-want-to-avoid-heart-attack-know-these-signs-if-you-have-clogged-arteries.html

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