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((((FLAKKA DRUGS:)))) This Can Transform Human Into Zombies? FIND OUT HERE!!!!!

With the continuing usage of illegal drugs’ not simply inside the country, but all over the planet, more daring drug manufacturers are creating new synthetic drugs to introduce out there. These new drugs have strange and surprising effects upon the human brain. If you feel that zombies are just possible in movies and TV series, you may wish to think twice as a brand new drug allegedly simulates zombie-like behavior among its users.

This is the ‘Flakka Drug’, a synthetic street drug which has been shocking the world with its horrendous a result of making humans act like zombies. It came from the word ‘Flocka’ meaning gravel and signified stone and wings.

In 2014, this drug was reported to possess the listed effects : bizarre behavior, agitation, paranoia, and delusions of superhuman strength. Familiar, huh?

Among from the many reported cases that involves this drug includes, an agitated man running naked through traffic, a delusional drug addict who attempted to perform a intimate act on the tree after which resisted arrest, and also a paranoid man trying to break into a police station to seek safety.

Source: ncatalyst

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